I want to reach a point in my life where I dive so deeply into everything that I enjoy doing and the areas that I want to improve in that it becomes impossible for me to ever worry about not being good enough or failing. Really I think a lot of problems are weighted by those fears and we measure ourselves by standards set by others. It really is tragic that so many people are capped by the world and I hope to one day break free from everything and truly blossom on my own without being watered by others’ opinions. I want my own sunshine, and I hope you find yours.

Author: anyatrudeauwriting

email: anyaltrudeau@gmail.com

2 thoughts on “”

  1. this right here. thank you.
    i feel the same way! i really want to just be free to be. and have no time or space in my mind to concern myself with unnecessary opinions.

    I really like the way you put it: “I hope to…truly blossom on my own without being watered by others’ opinions”. beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

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